Pop Queen Madona and her six chidren

Pop Queen Madona and her six chidren

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Lourdes, Mercy, Stella, and Estere are  Madonna's four daughters

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 Rocco and David   are the two sons

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 Lourdes and Rocco are Madona's biological children

Image Credit: hollywoodlife.com

 Lourdes, 25 is the eldest child fathered by Carlos Leon

Image Credit: hollywoodlife.com

Rocco Ritchie, 21 is the eldest son fathered by Guy Ritchie

Image Credit: radaronline.com

Madona has four adopted children Mercy, Stella, Estere & David

Mercy James, 15 was adopted by Madona from Malawi in 2006

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Madona adopted  twins Stellaand Estere, aged 9 years now  from Malawi

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