Self-proclaimed misogynist Andrew Tate banned by TikTok and Meta

Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate

 Andrew Tate, a former kickboxing champion who has become a self-styled men’s-help guru, has claimed females are the sole property of their husbands and must “have kids, sit at home, be quiet and make coffee.”

He has said he needs authority over women he has a relationship with, saying, “You can’t be responsible for a dog if it doesn’t obey you.” He has also said he will attack women who accuse him of cheating and declare himself “absolutely a misogynist.”

His fans have dubbed him the”king of toxic masculinity…

Tate’s posts have been widely shared through social media in the summer, earning millions of views and causing questions about the effects on young boys and men exposed to it. After seeing his popularity increase in recent months, he’s boasted of his popularity.

Today, Tate has been barred from TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

In a statement sent to The Washington Post, a TikTok representative claimed that Tate’s account was deleted because of a violation of TikTok’s policies which prohibit “content that attacks, threatens, incites violence against, or otherwise dehumanizes an individual or a group” or a group based on sex-related characteristics, for example. Meta claimed it had taken down Tate’s account on Facebook and Instagram and pointed to the company’s policies against dangerous entities and individuals.

Tate, the 35-year-old American born and raised in Britain, a resident of Romania who operated an online “education and coaching” program known as Hustler’s University, did not immediately respond to a request to comment on Sunday.

Some influential social media users, along with numerous organizations that help victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, have requested that Tate be taken off websites on social media. Hope Not to Hate, a UK-based organization that has created a petition urging Tate to be removed from the platform, said that he was a risk to society.

“The effect that Tate’s brand of vitriolic misogyny can have on the young male audience is deeply concerning,” Hope Not to Hate declared. “His fans celebrate his content for bringing back ‘traditional masculinity.’ However, we also know that misogyny can be a gateway to other extreme and discriminatory views.”

The group pointed out Daily Beast reported Tate’s residence in Romania was searched in April as part of an investigation into human trafficking. There have been no arrests as of yet. Tate has denied any wrongdoing.

Tate was first noticed in 2016 after being ejected from the reality television reality show “Big Brother,” the BBC announced following a video showing Tate kicking an actress. The two later claimed Tate’s actions were consensual. 2017 was the first time he ignited an online debate after posting on Twitter that women should accept their responsibility and safeguard themselves from sexual assault.

In the post, which was posted in response to the sexual assault accusations in the case of Harvey Weinstein, he wrote, “If you put yourself in a situation to be victimized, you have to accept some accountability. It’s not like I’m saying it’s okay that you were victimized.” Twitter permanently suspended his account due to NBC News reported.

Tate initially gained a fan base on the far-right fringes of Facebook, NBC News reported. Tate was seen dining at a restaurant in the spring of 2019 along with Infowars Editor Paul Joseph Watson and ” Pizzagate” conspiracy theory propagator Jack Posobiec. Mike Cernovich, another proprietor of conspiracy theories, has also called Tate a friend. He has appeared on Infowars.

However, in the last months, Tate became a major celebrity in the form of podcasts and videos. Interviews with him exploded on social media, and he has risen to the ranks of Google search results. In August, he accumulated four million Instagram followers. His videos that featured his name were seen 12.7 million times.

The Guardian revealed that the rise of Hustler’s popularity was not natural. The members who paid for Hustler’s University were directed to be bombarding social media sites by posting his video content, deciding on the most controversial to increase engagement, which experts described to the newspaper as a deliberate manipulation by the algorithm. The most popular video was where he advised his fans to “slap, slap, grab, choke” women in the bedroom. Another where he stated that he prefers 18- and 19-year-olds because it’s easier for them to create the “imprint” on them.

Many video clips that have attracted viewers to TikTok appear to be posted by followers of Tate. A TikTok spokesperson told The Post, “Our investigation into this content is ongoing, and we continue to remove violative accounts and videos promoting misogyny and other hateful behavior.”

In response to criticisms of Tate’s comments, Tate said in an interview with NBC News that he is himself an “online character” and coaches men “to avoid toxic people as a whole.”

“It has nothing to do [with] hate for women,” he said to the newspaper.

However, Tate’s influence created enough concern that an account on Instagram designed for teachers of classrooms came up with an instructional guide to address his opinions with students. Organizations that help victims of domestic violence claimed that allowing his posts to be posted on social media sites is a normalization of violence and misogyny.

Zainab Gulamali Zainab Gulamali, policy and public affairs director for Women’s Aid in Britain, said in the Daily Mail, “Making derogatory comments and videos about abusing women is as dangerous as it is unacceptable: This normalizes the misogynistic and sexist attitudes which are at the root of all violence against women and girls.”

“Sexist actions and language that reinforce women’s inequality have been tolerated for too long,” she said. “It is vital that we all challenge these deep-rooted misogynistic attitudes, which normalize women being emotionally abused, belittled and controlled, and physically harmed.”

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